November 21, 2019

Warning To The Average Investor

Ray Dalio was recently on CNBC where he alerted retail investors to not make the mistake of thinking that markets that went up recently are better bargains rather than expensive bargains.

“Don’t make the mistake of buying those things that have gone up thinking they’re better rather than more expensive,” Dalio recently told CNBC’s Leslie Picker at the Greenwich Economic Forum in Connecticut.

Read the complete article here: Billionaire Ray Dalio says retail investors should not make this big mistake

November 7, 2019

India: Modi Is One Of The Best

In my opinion, Indian’s Prime Minister Modi is one of the best, if not the best, leaders in the world. I had an opportunity to explore with him how he thinks as well as what he thinks. If you’re interested in listening to it, here it is.

November 4, 2019

A Few Principles (Ray Dalio)

Evolve or Die

This evolutionary cycle is not just for people but for countries, companies, economies—for everything. And it is naturally self-correcting as a whole, though not necessarily for its parts.

Tolerating a Problem

Tolerating a problem has the same consequences as failing to identify it.

Remember to reflect when you experience pain

Remember this: The pain is all in your head. If you want to evolve, you need to go where the problems and the pain are. By confronting the pain, you will see more clearly the paradoxes and problems you face. Reflecting on them and resolving them will give you wisdom.

September 9, 2019

July 23, 2019

Ray Dalio: This Environment Is Bullish For Gold

Ray Dalio is bullish on gold. Here are some of the reasons why he believes that gold prices are heading higher.

Ray Dalio: Bullish On Gold

“I think these are unlikely to be good real returning investments and that those that will most likely do best will be those that do well when the value of money is being depreciated and domestic and international conflicts are significant, such as gold.

Additionally, for reasons I will explain in the near future, most investors are underweighted in such assets, meaning that if they just wanted to have a better balanced portfolio to reduce risk, they would have more of this sort of asset. For this reason, I believe that it would be both risk-reducing and return-enhancing to consider adding gold to one’s portfolio. I will soon send out an explanation of why I believe that gold is an effective portfolio diversifier.” 

- in CNBC

Gold Will Be A Top Investment

Ray Dalio says gold will be a top investment during upcoming "paradigm shift" for global markets. 

You can read the complete article here:

Related trading instruments: SPDR Gold Trust (GLD)

July 8, 2019

Synthesize The Situation At Hand

Every day you are faced with an infinite number of things that come at you. To be effective, you need to be able to tell which dots are important and which dots are not.

June 17, 2019

Using Evidence-Based Decision-Making Tools

These principles were designed to help you get control over your lower-level/animal you and put your better, higher-level decision-making brain in charge.

May 20, 2019

When You Have Alignment, Cherish It

While there is nobody in the world who will share your point of view on everything, there are people who will share your most important values and the ways in which you choose to live them out. Make sure you end up with those people.